The exciting / terrible thing is a "Sponge" "App" for phones. With this software application, you can turn your phone or laptop into a sponge or a gigantic sponge.
It looks like this:
Nice, right? All you need to do, if this wasn't self-evident, is boot up your device (IF CHARGED), wait several seconds, CLICK ON THE SPONGE APP ICON, and when you see a picture of a sponge on your screen, use that picture to SHTOOOK puddles of spilled apple juice into your sink or onto the floor.
So easy it almost wipes by itself.™
So easy it almost wipes by itself.™
INCIDENTALLY, if any of you would like to join the project as a co-developer while "we" try to get this application onto I(nternet)-Tunes or E(lectron)-Bay or (Into the) Amazon (Jungle), I hope you'll join the lively discussion that always takes place in the comments section after a major announcement such as the one above or below (sort of in the midst of) here.
I should also update the list of phone applications or personal digital assistant applications, or spoftwares i've developed relating to sponges.
Phone Applications or Personal Digital Assistant Applications, or Spoftwares I've Developed Relating to Sponges:
1. This one.
2. ?
4. NO
6. ?
and so on.
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